Monday, December 5, 2011

2013 PROMO: Groups for virtual worlds in Facebook

 Groups for virtual worlds in Facebook 

  • These are Facebook groups that I am in and post to when I have relevant content.  These groups indicate an interest in virtual worlds, but not specifically in Second Life.  
  • The descriptions and member counts here are take directly from the descriptions and counts in Facebook.  
  • This list is incomplete.  If you would like to add to it, post the link and the description in the comments below. 
A home for geeks and protagonists to queue in-line and rave about culture-changing innovations and themes, here as Association of Virtual Worlds for Profit Use Cases accommodated by Second Life, Opensim, Hypergrid & Co., as well as further going innovations and ideas enhancing the implementation of Virtual Worlds and its outreach.
Dedicated to include those techies, visionaries, connectors, champions, and sponsors embracing and adopting benchmark innovation diffusion on the roadmap to 3D immersive & virtual worlds.
Members (501)
A home for geeks and protagonists to queue in-line and rave about culture-changing innovations and themes, here as Virtual World Association for Non-Profit Use Cases accommodated by Second Life, Opensim, Hypergrid & Co., as well as furthergoing innovations and ideas enhancing the implementation of Virtual Worlds and its outreach.
Dedicated to include those techies, visionaries, connectors, champions, and sponsors embracing and adopting benchmark innovation diffusion on the roadmap to 3D immersive & virtual worlds.
Members (461)
SpotON3D ™ is the first intentionally designed 3D Web Grid Application to offer Enterprise Ready Products such as Virtual Office Conference Rentals, and Stand-Alone Simulation Licensing.
By design, SpotON3D is setup to interlink Virtual Environs and Grids in an organic fashion, linking them together via a common gateway, enabling avatars to travel seamlessly from one experience to another. With context sensitive memberships and web interfaces, a user can control what they experience from within a rich network of grids. This makes it possible for everyone to interact together, utilizing the best of today’s gaming, modeling and social networking to create a responsibly tolerant and diverse community that also respects the needs of families and businesses.
Members (570)
Virtual Worlds - Best Practices in Education
Coming up March 15 - 18, 2012
This conference is for educators and researchers of virtual worlds, knowledge emergence, knowledge development, and their educational impacts.
Members (1005)
Virtual Blogging
This group is for posting the latest links to blogs pertaining to any virtual world. Please keep all links to topic.
Members (599)
Immersive World Museums, Galleries & Exhibits
A home for geeks and protagonists to queue in-line and rave about culture-changing innovations. Exploring the potentials and opportunities of real, mixed/augmented reality and immersive museums, galleries & exhibits. Planning and implementing 3D virtual museums, galleries & exhibits.
Dedicated to those techies, visionaries, connectors, champions, and sponsors embracing and adopting benchmark quality management & innovation diffusion on the technological roadmap to grid computing and singularity.
Members (318)
Poetry & Prose
Poetry & Prose is designed for people to share their poetry and short stories. Please feel free to create notes to share your originals works. Also, you may post literary events.
  • All posted writing must be your original work.
  • When posting a comment about something posted, please be respectful.
  • Leave the drama at home!
Members (47)
Virtual Homes & Decor
This group is for discussions, promotions, sales and any information relating to virtual homes, buildings and decor. It's also a great place to share photos of your home or creations. We aren't limited to any particular genre or time period, nor are we limited to a particular virtual world. All we ask is that you keep to the subject of architecture, decor and living spaces and don't promote things like bands, clothes, automobiles etc. here.
Members (538)
Virtually Speaking
Live, in-depth,conversations: authors, bloggers, publishers, scientists and educators, pundits and public officials before a lively, well informed and chatty virtual studio audience. Simulcast and archived on BlogTalkRadio. Tuesdays, Thursdays, Sundays. Join group for notices.
Members (362)
World University and School
World University & School
A Global, Virtual, Open, Free-to-Students, Multilingual University {potentially Degree-Granting, with Great Universities as Key Players} and School, using a Wikipedia model, for the Developing World {OLPC countries to begin with} and Everyone.
Members (291)
**Hobo Builders** is a community centered around the hobo culture, as it has manifested itself and as it continues to evolve.
Members (15)
Rockcliffe University
Started in December 2006, Rockcliffe University is a virtual school providing online courses in 3D Content Creation, Business, and Law. Courses are taught in an online gaming environment called Second Life which provides for a dynamically instructor lead interactive experience. Classes are complimented by web based discussion forums which provides for unique opportunities for both self-study and guided instruction.
Members (123)
Virtual World Consultants
Your Connection to Virtual: Event Planning; SIM Development; Business Consultation; Social Media; Orientation; Training. If you are interested in Collaborating with us or have a Project with which you need help, contact Twitter: VWCCom
Members (46)
VIRTLANTIS is a free resource and open community of practice for language learners and teachers in the virtual world of Second Life®. We offer free informal language learning activities for a growing number of languages including English, French, Spanish, German, Chinese, etc. All of our activities are offered free of charge by volunteer language teachers and/or native speakers.
Members (462)
Live Comedy Group
Members (63)


  • What do we do in Virtual Worlds? 
  • Search on page with Google Chrome: Ctrl+f, search bar upper right 
  • Google search this blog, column on right
  • or put at the end of the search terms
  • Annotated screen shots made with Jing
  • Creative Commons License, attribution only.
  • Second LifeLindenSLurl, and SL are trademarks of Linden Research Inc.
  • This blog is not affiliated with Second Life or anything else.  
  • Ads are  from Google

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